Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sememangnya, mengantuk selepas makan bukan disebabkan kurang tidur, sebaliknya ia menandakan kita dahaga dan badan tidak cukup air. Ramai tersilap menafsirkan keperluan badan terhadap air dengan rasa lapar.
Dahaga bukan petanda terbaik untuk memberitahu badan memerlukan air kerana sensitiviti terhadap dahaga semakin berkurang apabila umur meningkat, terutama pada orang tua. Badan kita hanya boleh mengawal keseimbangan air hingga satu peringkat tertentu.Paras garam akan meningkat apabila simpanan air dalam badan berkurang.
Otak akan mengesan perubahan keseimbangan ini dan memberi isyarat kepada buah pinggang untuk mengurangkan kehilangan air serta mencetuskan rasa dahaga.Bagaimanapun, cetusan rasa dahaga ini berlaku lewat.
Biasanya apabila kita berasa dahaga, badan sudah kehilangan kira-kira dua cawan cecair badan. Kehilangan ini boleh menimbulkan pelbagai implikasi.Air adalah unsur penting dalam badan. Badan lelaki membabitkan 65 peratus air dan 55 peratus bagi wanita.
Air bertindak sebagai pelarut, penyejuk, pelincir dan agen pengangkut nutrien ke seluruh badan.Kandungan air dalam badan setiap orang adalah berbeza mengikut kandungan lemak masing-masing.
Secara umumnya, jumlah peratusan air dalam badan orang yang tidak banyak lemak adalah lebih tinggi. Kira-kira 70 peratus berat otak, 75 peratus berat jantung, 90 peratus berat paru-paru dan 82 peratus kandungan darah membabitkan air.
Badan mengalami kehilangan air sepanjang masa iaitu hampir 80 peratus sehari, walaupun kita tidak aktif. Kehilangan ini berlaku melalui air kencing, najis, peluh dan pernafasan. Setiap kali menghembuskan nafas, kita kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap.
Jika dikumpulkan, kita mungkin boleh dapat satu atau dua gelas air yang hilang melalui pernafasan.Ini sebabnya pakar kesihatan menyarankan kita minum sekurang-kurangnya lapan gelas atau satu liter air setiap hari.
Sumber air bukan hanya daripada air minuman kerana ia juga ada dalam makanan, buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.Berapa banyak air yang kita perlukan?Secara umumnya setiap orang memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya lapan gelas air atau satu liter air sehari. Namun, jumlah ini berbeza antara setiap individu, aktiviti dilakukan dan cuaca tempat tinggal.
Tentu saja jika kita melakukan senaman pada hari panas, kita kehilangan lebih banyak air melalui peluh.Air yang keluar ini perlu diganti segera, sama ada ketika atau selepas bersenam, untuk mengelak masalah kekeringan.
Kehilangan banyak air menyebabkan tekanan darah turun mendadak, bekalan oksigen ke otak menurun dan jika terlalu serius, ia boleh membawa maut.
Jika terlalu banyak minum, tidakkah akan berlaku keracunan air? Memang boleh, tetapi ia jarang berlaku. Sebenarnya sukar bagi orang sihat mengalami keracunan air. Ia biasanya berlaku pada bayi. Malah, individu yang alami masalah berat badan berlebihan perlu minum lebih banyak air, iaitu segelas bagi setiap 11 kilogram melebihi berat badan unggul.Mereka yang bercita-cita mengurangkan berat badan juga digalakkan minum banyak air.
Kekurangan air merendahkan kadar metabolisma dan badan tidak boleh memecah dan menggunakan lemak dengan berkesan. Akibatnya, proses menurunkan berat badan menjadi lebih sukar.Masalah retensi air atau ketidakbolehan badan mengeluarkan air dari pundi kencing menjadi lebih buruk jika kita tidak mendapat cukup air.
Ada kalanya masalah ini boleh diatasi dengan minum lebih banyak air untuk menggalakkan pembuangan air berlebihan.Oleh kerana kebanyakan zat makanan larut dalam air, mungkin ada yang risau ia dibuang melalui air kencing. Jangan risau. Masalah ini tidak berlaku kerana buah pinggang kita mempunyai sistem penapisan yang cerdik.
Hanya bahan tidak berguna dibuang. Semua khasiat makanan diserap ketika dalam usus dan dimasukkan ke dalam darah untuk diagihkan ke seluruh badan.Sebenarnya ramai mengalami masalah kekurangan air tanpa disedari. Malah, ramai juga berkata tidak mahu kerap berulang ke tandas sebagai alasan untuk tidak minum banyak air.
Tindakan ini sebenarnya meracun diri kerana tanpa air yang cukup, badan sukar mengeluarkan bahan toksik dan boleh berkumpul membentuk batu karang.Tanpa air yang cukup juga, nutrien daripada makanan tidak dapat diagihkan dengan baik dan menyebabkan lebih banyak lemak terkumpul dalam badan. Bentuk dan saiz otot turut berubah.
Paling malang , jika kekurangan air meningkatkan paras bahan toksik hingga membahayakan nyawa.
Kesan kekurangan cecairKajian menunjukkan kehilangan dua peratus cecair badan boleh menyebabkan:
Lemah daya ingatan (ingatan jangka pendek)
Sukar membuat kiraan, walaupun yang mudah
Sukar memberi tumpuan terhadap perkara dilakukan terutama pada skrin komputer atau bahan bacaan bercetak
Tekanan darah menurun
Jumlah oksigen yang sampai ke otak berkurang menyebabkan rasa mengantuk
Lesu pada waktu siang
Sakit belakang
Sakit kepala
Memperlahankan kadar metabolisma
Meningkatkan risiko kanser usus, pundi kencing dan payu dara
Sendi dan otot mengalami kekeringan
Menyukarkan penyingkiran bahan toksik
Meningkatkan keinginan untuk makan
Darah menjadi pekat
Mudah keliru.
Degupan jantung meningkat
Menjejaskan tindak balas kimia dalam badan
Thursday, January 7, 2010
6 PERKARA PALING.............?
Bissmillahirrohmaan irrohiim
"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasihat menasihati supaya menaati kebenaran dan nasihat menasihati supaya menetapi kesabaran". QS. Al-Ashr (103) : 3.
1. Apa yang paling DEKAT dengan diri kita di dunia ?
2. Apa yang paling JAUH dari kita di dunia ?
3. Apa yang paling BESAR di dunia ?
4. Apa yang paling BERAT di dunia ?
5. Apa yang paling RINGAN di dunia ?
6. Apa yang paling TAJAM di dunia ?
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Suatu hari, Imam Al Ghozali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya. Lalu Imam Al
Ghozali bertanya....
"Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab : "orang tua, guru, kawan, dan sahabatnya".
Imam Ghozali menjelaskan semua jawapan itu BENAR.
Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah MATI.
Sebab itu sememangnya janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati (Q.S. Ali Imran [3] : 185 "Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Dan sesungguhnya pada hari kiamat sajalah disempurnakan pahalamu. Barang siapa dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam surga, maka sungguh ia telah beruntung. Kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdayakan" .)
"Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid -muridnya menjawab : "negara Cina, bulan, matahari dan bintang-bintang" .
Lalu Imam Ghozali menjelaskan bahawa semua jawaban yang mereka berikan itu adalah BENAR.
Tapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU.
Walau dengan apa cara sekalipun kita tidak dapat kembali ke masa lalu.
Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama.
"Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab : "gunung, bumi dan matahari".
Semua jawaban itu BENAR kata Imam Ghozali.
Tapi yang paling besar dari yang ada di dunia ini adalah NAFSU (Q.S. Al-A'Raf [7] : 179 "Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk isi neraka Jahanam kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami ayat-ayat Allah dan mereka mempunyai mata tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, dan mereka mempunyai telinga tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar ayat-ayat Allah. Mereka itu sebagai binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai".).
Maka kita harus berhati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu membawa kita ke neraka.
"Apa yang paling berat di dunia ini?".
Ada yang menjawab : "besi dan gajah".
Semua jawaban adalah BENAR, kata Imam Ghozali, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Q.S. Al-Ahzab [9] : 72 "Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu amat lalim dan amat bodoh",).
Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka untuk menjadi khalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini.
Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT, sehingga banyak dari manusia masuk ke neraka karena ia tidak dapat memegang
"Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?"
Ada yang menjawab : "kapas, angin, debu dan daun-daunan" .
Semua itu BENAR kata Imam Ghozali, tapi yang paling ringan di dunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SHOLAT. (QS.An-Nisa [4] : 103. "Maka apabila kamu telah menyelesaikan shalat (mu), ingatlah Allah di waktu berdiri, di waktu duduk dan di waktu berbaring. Kemudian apabila kamu telah merasa aman, maka dirikanlah shalat itu (sebagaimana biasa). Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah kewajiban yang ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman".
Gara-gara pekerjaan, kita meninggalkan sholat; gara-gara bermusyawarat, kita meninggalkan sholat.
Dan pertanyaan keenam adalah,
"Apakah yang paling tajam di dunia ini?"
Murid-muridnya menjawab dengan serentak : "pedang".
BENAR, kata Imam Ghozali, tapi yang paling tajam adalah LIDAH MANUSIA. QS. Al-Ahzab [33] : 19. "Mereka bakhil terhadapmu apabila datang ketakutan (bahaya), kamu lihat mereka itu memandang kepadamu dengan mata yang terbalik-balik seperti orang yang pingsan karena akan mati, dan apabila ketakutan telah hilang, mereka mencaci kamu dengan lidah yang tajam, sedang mereka bakhil untuk berbuat kebaikan. Mereka itu tidak beriman, maka Allah menghapuskan (pahala) amalnya. Dan yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah".
Karena melalui lidah, ,manusia selalu menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.
Semoga bermanfaat
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ROME: A rare headed goal by Lionel Messi helped Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0 in the Champions League final on Wednesday, giving the Spanish side its third European Cup title and third trophy in a magical season.
Samuel Eto'o put the Spanish champions ahead in the 10th minute and Messi's 70th-minute goal - his ninth in the Champions League this season - sealed the victory over the defending champions at the Stadio Olimpico.
Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola holds the trophy at the end of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Manchester United and Barcelona in Rome, Wednesday. Barcelona won 2-0. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
The triumph completed a sweep of titles for 38-year-old Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola in his first season, after wins in the Spanish league and cup.
The former Barcelona star, who started as a ball boy at Camp Nou, now joins the ranks of those who have won the title both as a player and a coach.
Guardiola became the youngest coach to win European soccer's top club competition since the European Cup became the Champions League in 1993.
Barcelona also won the trophy in 1992 and 2006.
"No team has ever done the treble in Spain, and we'll be remembered as the first team to do it," Barcelona striker Thierry Henry said. "That's amazing."
United had been chasing its fourth European Cup title, and fourth trophy this season after winning the Premier League, FIFA Club World Cup and League Cup.
But United was thoroughly outplayed by the Spanish side as Messi scored his 38th goal of an amazing year for Barcelona, which has 53 league and cup goals this season.
Xavi floated a diagonal ball into the United area to find Messi unmarked, and the 5-fooot-7 (1.69 m) Argentina striker - renowned for his deft dribbling and shooting - used his head to loop the ball over United goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar and into the net.
Messi set off colorful celebrations at one end of the stadium, filled with 62,467 fans, and left English fans in silence.
The loss left Man United manager Alex Ferguson at 25 titles in 23 seasons.
He failed to match Liverpool's Bob Paisley's three titles in the competition.
"We started the game brightly. We were confident and we could have been in front," Ferguson said.
"We had the ball but didn't use it very well. ... We defended fantastically all season but they were two shoddy goals.
"We didn't play as well as we can, but they are a good team. We have to give them credit. Xavi (Hernandez) and (Andres) Iniesta can keep the ball all night. They made it very difficult."
South Korean winger Park Ji-sung became the first Asian to play in a Champions League final.
He almost scored for United in the opening minute but his shot was deflected wide after Cristiano Ronaldo's free kick had been blocked by the goalkeeper.
It was the nearest United came to scoring all night.
The victory also marked the first Champions League title for Henry, the French striker who was on the losing side when Arsenal lost to Barcelona in 2006.
"Finally, I've been waiting for so long to get this title and now finally today," said Henry, who had been doubtful for the final because of a knee injury.
"The last five minutes were the longest of my life."
United almost went ahead in the opening minute when a needless foul by Yaya Toure on Anderson handed Ronaldo an early free kick.
His powerful drive was blocked by the hands of goalkeeper Victor Valdes and Park's rebound was deflected for a corner by Gerard Pique.
With Barcelona's dangerous forwards barely getting a touch of the ball in the early stages, there was little danger at the other end until the Spanish champions went ahead with their first attack of the game.
Iniesta started the move with a break through midfield and found Eto'o on the right.
The striker cut inside a weak tackle by Nemanja Vidic and poked a low angled shot past Van de Sar.
The goal changed the pattern of the play with Barcelona's stars settling into their confident style of interpassing.
United, now chasing the game, was unable to create any real danger.
Ronaldo wanted to shoot at every opportunity, but fired wide and headed over.
Seeing his title slipping away, Ferguson reshaped his attack for the second half.
The 67-year-old Scot took off midfielder Anderson and sent on Carlos Tevez, the Argentina striker who is convinced he's leaving the club because United won't turn his loan deal into a full term transfer.
That left United undermanned in midfield and Barcelona continued to create openings. Ferguson made another change when he took off Park and sent on Dimitar Berbatov.
Barcelona could have added more but Van der Sar saved twice from Carles Puyol and Ronaldo was shown the yellow card for some petulant late challenges on the Barcelona captain. - AP
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Re-inventing mobility
Car makers are designing a new vehicle for an era of sustainability as the industry braces for its worst crisis ever
by Reino Gevers

CAR factories from Detroit to Tokyo and Munich are grinding to a halt as the car industry faces its biggest shake-up in decades with millions of unsold, new cars standing idle in the parking lots of dealerships and storage depots.
But while analysts are asking themselves whether big names such as General Motors, Chrysler and Ford will survive the winter, engineers are looking at nothing less than re-inventing the car for a new era of sustainability.
Paradoxically, the crisis in the industry comes at a time when car makers are announcing almost weekly, new innovations in clean-drive technology and dealerships are offering special discounts. Cars have never been safer, more efficient and versatile.
But it is a Catch-22 situation. Buyers are postponing purchases of new cars in the hope of even cheaper deals in future and in the assumption that current, fuel-efficient models may not be as good as those on offer in 2010.
Do I keep my old petrol or diesel car until I can afford a cheaper hybrid or electric car?
That is a question car makers will have to answer.
Speaking at the recent Los Angeles Motor Show, Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault-Nissan, said: "We are reinventing mobility," and pointed out that by 2020, sales of electric clean-drive vehicles would increase to seven million units annually from the current level of a mere 50,000.
Once derided as a cumbersome technology for backyard freaks, electric power is fast becoming a real alternative to vehicles powered by fossil fuels.
BMW was the first major car maker to launch a fleet of 500 electric-powered Minis in Los Angeles which will be available initially only for lease.
The Mini E is driven by a 150kW/204hp electric engine, powered by lithium-ion batteries with a range of 250km on one electric charge.
The lithium-ion battery technology is expensive and takes time to set up the loading station infra-structure.
German car expert Prof Ferdinand Dudenhoeffer said the German car industry was at its worst since the 1973 oil crisis.
He has predicted that electric cars will become a mass phenomenon by 2015 with sales picking up in 2011.
German solar energy producer, Solarworld, recently made a bid for the ailing GM subsidiary Opel.
The company would become the first mass producer of high-tech cars with zero-emission.
The bid was quickly rejected by GM, but it was an indication of where the car industry might be headed.
"The car industry is facing a major shake-up," says car market analyst Christoph Stuermer. "Old players will disappear. New market participants will appear including some who have previously not been engaged in the field of mobility." – dpa
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Honda Jazz amazing
A couple of years ago, when I reviewed the Honda Jazz, I said that it was going to be difficult for Honda engineers to come up with the replacement model, since it was such a great car.
Even Honda admitted it was a challenge, but now that the new Jazz is here and having driven it, I must salute the Honda engineers.
Although pretty much the same shape as the old Jazz, some key improvements have made the new Jazz even better.
Improvements to the 1.5-litre engine include the incorporation of i-VTEC and an electronic throttle, pushing the power up to 120PS at 6,600rpm; and producing 145Nm of torque at 4,800rpm.
But even with more power, our test results based on highway driving at between 80 to100kph speed, with light-footed throttle and unhurried acceleration, got us 27km per litre, or approximately 3.7 litres per 100km.
The new Jazz not only delivers in terms of power, but also gives good economy. Heavy-footed driving may push the consumption up, but now we have a choice.
The transmission has been changed from the CVT (continuously variable transmission) to a five-speed automatic transmission.
Old-fashioned me prefers the feel of speed building up as the revs climb.
In addition, the higher Grade V model comes with a set of F1-style paddle shifters.
Having five speeds allows for better spacing in between gears, and fuel economy will improve as a natural consequence.
At 100kph in fifth gear, the engine is pulling quietly at a little over 2,000rpm, in contrast to some cars in this class whose engines are turning closer to 3,000rpm or more.
The steering system retains the EPS (electric power system) from the previous generation: steering feel is light, and the car is easy to drive.
The Grade S model comes with 15-inch wheels while the Grade V model now has 16-inch wheels as standard. Brakes are discs all round, with the front ones being ventilated.
On the road, the new Honda Jazz is easy and fun to drive. Response to throttle is excellent, with zero to 100kph done in under 10 seconds, while top speed is around 190kph.
The suspension is on the firm side of comfortable, and the Jazz is stable all the way up to its top speed. Brakes are reassuringly good, with ABS, EBD, and BA as standard.
Front driver and passenger airbags are included for both models.
Inside, creature comforts abound; the rear ‘Ultra seat’ folds away to allow tall items to be stowed in the rear, and there are now two glove boxes in addition to 10 cup holders.
Music lovers can connect their MP3 to the sound system. The driver gets an armrest, while the steering comes with height and telescopic controllability.
Doors open wide, up to 80° angles to allow for easy ingress and egress, while the seats split and fold in many configurations for stowage versatility.
At a retail price of between RM104K and RM109K, depending on the model, the Honda Jazz is great value for money, due consideration given to it as a CBU.
There is really nothing else that exists that is anywhere close to the Jazz, unless you want to have a look at the about-to-be-launched new City, which is a sedan, but with the same mechanically, hopefully!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
MINI plans to extend its range with a compact SUV study featuring four doors, four-wheel drive and four single seats. The concept car (pix) was unveiled at the Paris Motor Show which opened on Oct 4 until Oct 19.
Planned for production in 2010, the BMW subsidiary’s model features two conventional doors positioned on the passenger side with a third for the driver. The fourth door, for the rear passenger on the driver’s side, slides back along the outside of the car for convenient access and loading.
The rear door has a frameless, retractable window and when open, swivels to one side to facilitate the loading of long items, such as skis, snowboards and surfboards. Capacity can be increased by folding the roof cover which extends across the whole length of the roof.
The four single seats can be adjusted forwards and backwards by up to 13cm in the rear – allowing more legroom for the rear passengers.
The front and rear seats are linked visually by a matt-polished aluminium fastening rail which extends from the dashboard through the middle of the car, to the rear.
In the dashboard, there is a a new display and control console which hosts all major entertainment, telecommunication and navigation functions. This three-dimensional globe can be personalised independently by both the driver and passenger as the display is shown in two hemispheres – allowing the passenger to surf the Internet while the driver follows the navigation.
Operated by a touch-sensitive surface, the Mini Centre Globe can also be programmed by a trackball on the steering wheel, buttons or slide controls in the lower section of the globe or even by a keyboard which extends out from the dashboard on the passenger’s side.
The Mini Centre Globe also hosts the stop/start function, whereby the driver inserts a Keyball into the upper edge to start and switch off the engine. – dpa
source: the sun online
Thursday, September 25, 2008
53 China-made food items sent for testing 
By : Regina Lee Datuk Liow Tiong Lai showing one of the food items to be tested. |
PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has sealed 53 milk-related products produced in China for testing.
Household names, including distributors of M&M's chocolates, Snickers chocolate bars and the White Rabbit creamy candy, will know their fate when the tests results are released today.
The ministry will also start seizing products off shelves if the test results show that they contain dangerous amounts of the substance.
"But, this is no cause for alarm at the moment. We are doing our best to check everything and we hope to get cooperation from the manufacturers, importers and retailers," Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said yesterday.
Milk-related products from China have been placed at the Level 6 alert since Sept 13, which means an automatic rejection.
Liow confirmed that there were no dairy products (milk or milk powder) from China sold in Malaysia since last year.
"To sell milk here, you would need a special licence from the Veterinary Services Department. The department has said that none had been given to Chinese companies since last year."
Liow said it was normal for food items to contain a small amount of melamine as a result of using plastic wrappers. A directive from the European Commission said up to 30 parts per million (ppm) of the substance was still safe.
Powdered milk produced by China's largest dairy producer, Sanlu Group, was found to have a melamine content of up to 2,563ppm.
Liow urged doctors who come across kidney disorders suspected to be caused by tainted milk products to report the cases to the ministry.